Included in the party kit were coupons for six FREE Digiorno Pizzas, coupons for $4 off one Digiornio Pizza to hand out to guests, Noisemakers, Wipes, a Pizza Cutter & Oven Mitt, a Spatula, a Cute Basketball Oven Timer, Digiorno Paper Plates, a Basketball Hoop & Ball with Score Sheet, and Nametags for all.

We had the House Party on Saturday, March 19, in the afternoon at my sister's house. Guests arrived sporadically, but all in all, eight guests attended. We got a chance to try some of the new Digiorno varieties like Pizza and Breadsticks and Pizza with Wyngz. We really wanted to try the Pizza with Cookies, but they didn't have that variety at my local grocery store. We used the name labels in the party kit to give everyone basketball names. I was "Set-Up Cheryl", my sister was "Layup Lynnette", hubby was "Crossover Kelley", my 3-year old daughter was "Traveling Tessa" and my 1.5 month old niece got into the action with the nametag "MVP Melissa".

We played a few rounds of Basketball with the ball and hoop included in the party kit, with the winners taking home an extra coupon. Everyone had fun, but I think my 3 year old daughter had the most fun throwing the basketball (although she didn't seem to care whether she threw it at the hoop or not, so long as she through the ball).
Here are a few pictures from the house party:
First pizzas out of the oven before devouring them:
Here we are chowing down on delcious pizza:
Yum! |
Delicious! |